Munros starting with G
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Gairich is located between Glen Kingie and Loch Quoich.

It has moderate to steep slopes rising to crags below the summit ridge which runs SW to NE, with two peaks, Gairich and Gairich Beag (730m). From the summit ridge three ridges arise, NNW turning N to Meall a' Coire Leith (437m), NNE and finally E to Druim na Geid Salaich.

The normal ascent route is via the E ridge on easy slopes leading to a steep climb through rocky outcrops to the summit. An alternative ascent can be made via the W slopes of Gairich Beag were a stalkers path leads to the summit.

Garbh Chioch Mhor
Garbh Chioch Mhor is a remote mountain at the the head of Glen Dessarry separated from Sgurr na Ciche by Bealach na h-Eangair.

Garbh Chioch Mhor sits on a undulating ridge with its sister peak Garbh Chioch Bheag (968m) beyond which the ridge slopes down to a col linking to Sgurr nan Coireachan.

The summit ridge is very rocky, but a drystone wall runs along its crest and down to Bealach na h-Eangair, simplifying route finding over this rough terrain. The normal ascent routes are from Bealach na h-Eangair or from the col to Sgurr nan Coireachan.

Geal Charn [Drumochter Pass]
From the summit of Geal Charn a narrow ridge curves S to a bealach connecting it with A' Mharconnaich, where a stalkers path offers the easiest ascent from the Balsporran Cottages.

A much broader E ridge offers easy slopes down to the A9 below. There is also a N ridge, which turns NE at Coire Beul an Sporain to connect with Creagan Mor (772m).

The only difficult slopes on this mountain lie to the NE where the crags of Creag Dhubh overlook Loch Ericht. There are some boulder slopes S and W of the summit and on the S flank of the E ridge.

Geal Charn [Loch Laggan]
Easy slopes lead ENE from the bealach, that connects to Craig Pitridh, up a broad ridge to the summit of Geal Charn, and these easy slopes continue SE towards Loch Pattack. These provide the two usual ascent routes, utilising the path from Loch Pattack to Loch Earba.

The N face of Geal Charn has two ridges forming a corrie with craggy slopes. There are also some steep and craggy areas on the lower slopes to be avoided.

Geal Charn [Monadh Liath]
Geal Charn is a compact mountain with steep and at times craggy E slopes but moderate to easy W slopes.

Geal Charn is separated from its nearest neighbour Beinn Sgiath by a high col (850m) at the head of Coire nan Dearcag. The moderate to easy slopes of the SW ridge lead to a path from Garva Bridge and the gentle slopes of the broad NW ridge leads to the high moorland of the Monadhliath plateau.

To the NE, a ridge (Bruach nam Biodag) leads SE from the plateau offering an alternative ascent route from Glen Markie.

Geal-Charn [Alder region]
Geal-Charn is a complex mountain with a broad summit plateau surrounded by steep and often craggy slopes. It is connected to Aonach Beag by a short narrow W ridge leading to a high col (1000m) and to Carn Dearg by a short steep rocky NE ridge which connects to Dollaid a' Chairn by a narrow ridge giving access to Carn Dearg.

The slopes between the N ridge and Sgor Iutharn, which is effectively the E ridge, are steep and craggy as is the southern slope of Sgor Iutharn. There is also a S ridge which terminates in the crags of Sron Ruadh.

The SW slopes of Sgor Iutharn provide an easy access from Bealach Dubh and the path from Culra Bothy.

Glas Bheinn Mhor
Glas Bheinn Mhor is located between Stob Gabhar and Stob Coir an Albannaich. It is a steep sided hill with a craggy N face and a steep S face.

The safe ascent routes are on the ridge from Ben Starav which can also be reached by the path from Coileitir by the Allt nam Mheirleach, or from the bealach between Glas Bheinn Mhor and Stob Coir an Albannaich.

The shortest routes are from Glen Etive, but routes from Loch Tulla to the E are possible.

Glas Leathad Mor
Ben Wyvis lies far to the E of the other northern Munros but is large enough to offer an excellent day out. From the A835 to the W it appears as flat topped mountain with grass slopes, however some of its E facing slopes form deep craggy corries.

The broad summit ridge runs from An Cabar (950m) 2.2km NE to the summit of Glas Leathad Mor, then turns SE to An t-Socach (1006m) which has crags on its E slopes. From the summit a ridge continues 1km NNE to a col then curves NW to Tom a' Choinnich. The E slopes of this ridge are again steep and craggy.

Midway between An Cabar and Glas Leathad Mor a broad ridge descends gently to the SE but has crags on its NE face. The slopes are otherwise fairly steep grass. Usual ascent route is the W ridge of An Gabar and the summit plateau.

Glas Maol
Glas Maol is a complex shape with a broad flat summit at the junction of four ridges. The NW ridge with its top, Meall Odhar, is the normal access route, which is littered with ski tows.

The SW ridge leads to another Munro, Creag Leacach, with a dry-stone wall leading most of the way from one summit to the other.

The broad N ridge branches, with a NE branch connecting to Cairn of Claise and a NW branch, which has a path leading to Sron na Gaoithe, giving an alternative route of ascent.

The SE ridge leads to Little Glas Maol, then branches with paths on the both branches leading to Glen Isla. The access route from the NW give the easiest access.

Glas Tulaichean
Glas Tulaichean is a large complex mountain bounded by Gleann Mor to the N, Glen Lochsie to the S and Gleann Taitneach to the E. The N slopes into Gleann Mhor are moderate to steep but the S slopes have a gentle incline.

To the E of the summit three ridges form two corries Glas Choire Bheag and Glas Choire Mhor, with crags and steep slopes close to the summit. To the S are a series of parallel ridges with mostly gentle slopes although there are some steep and craggy slopes the SE.

Ascent is normally from Glen Lochsie in the S from where a track leads close to the summit.

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