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Ben More [Crianlarich]


Quick Facts
This is the height of the mountain above sea level. However, on the climb, it is the ascent that matters, i.e. the sum of all the uphill parts of the route.
1174 m (3851 ft)

This is the standard notation used on Ordnance Survey Landranger maps.

Each reference consists of two letters identifying a 100,000 metre square block then three digits defining the Easting and finally the three digits defining the Northing with reference to the South West corner of the block.

NN166712 is the grid reference for the summit of Ben Nevis. Where you are given the map number ( For Ben Nevis = 41) it is acceptable to omit the two initial letters e.g. 166712. (Instructions on how to read the references are given on the OS maps).

Grid Ref.
An indication of this mountains height rank within its class. Where two mountains share the same height they are ordered alphabetically.
16 of 282 Munros
The number of ascent routes currently available on Munromagic.
Mountain names are usually in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands, or have been derived from the old Scots and Norse languages. We give the most commonly accepted meaning, but accept that some of these are disputed.
Big hill

The UK is covered by 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 scale maps. Maps numbered 1 to 86 cover Scotland but for the highest mountains (Munros) only 23 maps are required. The name given roughly describes the area covered by the map.

OS Landranger Maps Required
  51   Loch Tay & Glen Dochart

A description of the characteristics of the mountain including any hazards of which you should be aware.

The summit of Ben More is a steep sided triangular pyramid with crags mainly restricted to its SE face. There are short steep ridges, NW to Benmore Farm offering an unrelenting route for masochists, and S to Bealach-eadar-dha Bheinn where Ben More meets Stob Binnein.

The S ridge offers access from both Stob Binnein and the path in Benmore Glen. A third ridge NE is the longest and craggiest, but is a good ascent route which can be accessed from the A85 via a path by the Allt Coire Chaorach through the forest .

Hazards you may encounter on Ben More [Crianlarich] include
 Steep slopes on or near ascent routes.
 Crags on or near ascent routes.
 Crags near summit.
General Considerations
 Temperature decreases by 1degree C for every 100m of ascent.
 Wind usually increases with altitude.
 Visibility can change markedly with cloud level.
 River/Stream levels can increase markedly in one day.
Picture Gallery for Ben More [Crianlarich]

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Ordnance Survey digital maps are also available to members.

 Weather & OS Maps
West Highlands
by MWIS (PDF format)
West Highlands
by Met Office
Ben Oss
by Metcheck
Ben More [Crianlarich] Area Map
Legend  Munro  Corbett  Graham  English/Welsh Top  Accommodation

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The summary information of one or more ascent routes that include Ben More [Crianlarich].

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 Routes that include Ben More [Crianlarich]
  Ascent Distance Time Including... Description Rating
1 1347 m 9.32 km 4.5 hrs Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein  Initial ascent is unrelenting on continuous steep grass slope, but more pleasant once you have reached the first summit. This is the shortest but not the best route for these mountains.  
2 1564 m 14.53 km 5.5 hrs Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein  The initial steep ascent on grass, leads to an excellent high level walk on a gentle inclines to the summit of Stob Binnein. The descent and subsequent ascent of Ben More are on easy slopes.  

Pictures submitted by members on the summit of Ben More [Crianlarich]

 Baggers Gallery for Ben More [Crianlarich]

Me and Val at the summit on a beautiful, hot day!

© Claire Cassidy

Image by Claire Cassidy

Resting at the top after a long climb on a hot day!

© Claire Cassidy

Image by Claire Cassidy

At the summit on a dreich day

© Tony Dick

Image by Tony Dick

Ben More 5th October 2013 - my 282nd and final munro...

© Audrey Latto

Image by Audrey Latto
View All 47 Baggers Images for Ben More [Crianlarich]
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 Shared Members Track Logs
Ben More [Crianlarich]
by Michael Hill
Stob Binnein and Ben More [Crianlarich]
by William McGilvray
Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein
by Craig Cameron
Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein
by Geert Gritter
Ben More [Crianlarich]
by Mark Rudzinski
Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein
by Nico Boxhoorn
Ben More [Crianlarich]
by Stephen Ferrie
Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein
by Craig Walker
Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein
by Brendan Waters
Ben More [Crianlarich] and Stob Binnein
by Kenny Mcneill
Stob Binnein and Ben More [Crianlarich]
by Stevie Yates

Post a few words about Ben More [Crianlarich] or read what others have had to say.

Showing the most recent 5 of 23 comments. Would you like to view all 23?
Henry Smith
wrote on
July 27, 2014
Video from the air of Ben More accompanied by music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37IYuaW10IY
James Corrigan
wrote on
May 7, 2011
Heard so much about the Crianlarich North approach to Ben More and the relentless slog with no let up.Everything said is true.1174m of hard going.Started from the lay by across from Loch Lubhair just before Ben More Farm.Sign post points "To Ben More" Cross a high style and on to a land rover track which starts steeply and stays so until you reach a gate.Cross the burn here and head up steeply as usual along side the stream.Keep with this for about 1500ft and you run in to a well worn and rocky path.This takes you North west and on to a high shoulder.The next steep part comes in to view but only limited as the cloud was now down.There is a large corrie to your right which some folk were in.I did not fancy the look of that so upwards on the rocky path all the way to the top.Large Cairn first with a trig pillar just visible in the cloud a few yards ahead.Deep bolt hole below it, in there for a much needed drink. Downwards is a total knee basher. Be fit. Be ready if you do Ben More.
Thom Fish
wrote on
September 12, 2010
We took the route from the North - A84 near Crianlarich. It is a long pull up to Ben More's summit. The first section after leaving the road is quite steep, muddy, and with no clear path that we could find. The second section has a clear path but is very steep - 1:1 in some places but still a walk rather than a scramble. It was good to reach the summit of that one in just over two hours. After lunch, we descended to the Bealach and took the ridge walk up to Stob Binnein. It took almost as long to descend Ben More to the Bealach as it did to climb the four or five hundred feet to the second summit. The weather turned against us at this point with 40mph winds and accompanying needle wind. Returning to the Bealach, we sought a quick route down by taking the sheep track to the left round Ben More. This proved to be a steep, long and muddy descent, eventually reaching the path we had started on in the morning. We were pretty tired by the end of this one, and also pretty wet and muddy,
Alan Cantwell
wrote on
May 4, 2010
Stob Binnein & Ben More are definitely best accessed (according to people we met at the summit who had slogged up from Ben More Farm) from Inverlochlarig. Whether or not to go straight for Stob Binnein then Ben More by the “direct route” is a matter of preference. The “indirect” route behind the farm by the track means that you walk through some pretty boggy ground to end up in the valley between the two mountains so you have to climb constantly to reach one summit, then down and back up like a skateboarder in a half pipe to access the next one, then back down again!! We did the direct route and found it to be a really nice day out, despite some pretty hard work at some sections, the exit via the track is really welcome after the hard work at higher level.
Adam Rixon
wrote on
February 15, 2010
Climbed from Benmore farm in Dec 2009. I can see why many people describe this as a slog (it's a uniformly steep, pathless, grassy hillside until you reach the path by the wall on the edge of the hanging corrie at ~750m). However we had plenty to distract us from the steepness, walking out of a cloud inversion at 300m, then another which formed at 1000m later in the day! Also had to negotiate frozen snowfields above 1000m, cutting steps for my mate who didn't have crampons. Stunning views from the top, Ben Lui and Ben Lawers peeking out above a sea of cloud. An unforgettable day.

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