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Beinn Heasgarnich


Quick Facts
This is the height of the mountain above sea level. However, on the climb, it is the ascent that matters, i.e. the sum of all the uphill parts of the route.
1078 m (3536 ft)

This is the standard notation used on Ordnance Survey Landranger maps.

Each reference consists of two letters identifying a 100,000 metre square block then three digits defining the Easting and finally the three digits defining the Northing with reference to the South West corner of the block.

NN166712 is the grid reference for the summit of Ben Nevis. Where you are given the map number ( For Ben Nevis = 41) it is acceptable to omit the two initial letters e.g. 166712. (Instructions on how to read the references are given on the OS maps).

Grid Ref.
An indication of this mountains height rank within its class. Where two mountains share the same height they are ordered alphabetically.
62 of 282 Munros
The number of ascent routes currently available on Munromagic.
Mountain names are usually in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands, or have been derived from the old Scots and Norse languages. We give the most commonly accepted meaning, but accept that some of these are disputed.
Peaceful hill

The UK is covered by 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 scale maps. Maps numbered 1 to 86 cover Scotland but for the highest mountains (Munros) only 23 maps are required. The name given roughly describes the area covered by the map.

OS Landranger Maps Required
  51   Loch Tay & Glen Dochart

A description of the characteristics of the mountain including any hazards of which you should be aware.

Beinn Heasgarnich is a large mountain with easy slopes and broad grassy ridges, it has scattered rocky outcrops which are easily avoided. The biggest problem with Beinn Heasgarnich are the boggy areas around it.

The normal ascent routes for Beinn Heasgarnich are from Creag Mhor via the SW ridge, from the road to Kenknock taking the shortest route round the N of Creag nam Bodach and along the Alt Tarsuinn to the summit, or from the road crossing of the Allt Badour to the S, bearing NW then N to the summit.

Hazards you may encounter on Beinn Heasgarnich include
 Moorland Terrain, few distinct landmarks.
 Crags near summit.
General Considerations
 Temperature decreases by 1degree C for every 100m of ascent.
 Wind usually increases with altitude.
 Visibility can change markedly with cloud level.
 River/Stream levels can increase markedly in one day.
Picture Gallery for Beinn Heasgarnich

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Ordnance Survey digital maps are also available to members.

 Weather & OS Maps
West Highlands
by MWIS (PDF format)
West Highlands
by Met Office
Ben Oss
by Metcheck
Beinn Heasgarnich Area Map
Legend  Munro  Corbett  Graham  English/Welsh Top  Accommodation

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 Where to Stay
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The summary information of one or more ascent routes that include Beinn Heasgarnich.

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 Routes that include Beinn Heasgarnich
  Ascent Distance Time Including... Description Rating
1 1635 m 20.27 km 7 hrs Beinn Heasgarnich and Creag Mhor [Glen Lochay]  Easy walking on gentle slopes, but there is boggy ground to cross. Best when frozen or in dry weather.  

Pictures submitted by members on the summit of Beinn Heasgarnich

 Baggers Gallery for Beinn Heasgarnich

A very wet summit of Beinn Heasgarnich 04/07/15

© Alexander McMillan

Image by Alexander McMillan

At the summit 22/4/11.Second of the day.

© Ian Mather

Image by Ian Mather

myself, mick smith,john donelly at the summit

© John Frew

Image by John Frew

me with my good friends john donnelly & john frew on the summit of beinn heasgarnich on a crackin saturday afternoon.

© Libby Smith

Image by Libby Smith
View All 22 Baggers Images for Beinn Heasgarnich
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Showing the most recent 5 of 7 comments. Would you like to view all 7?
James Corrigan
wrote on
September 2, 2013
Descended from Creag Mhor NW to avoid steep crags on Creag Mhor to drop to Lochan ne Baintighearna.Bheinn Heasgarnich looks a long way up on a steep NW slope but it`s not as tough as it looks from here on an obvious path.The path leads to the South top then North to the summit cairn on a flat top.Descend Eastwards over very wet ground and on to a high hydro track.Large divots have been chopped out of the ground by a digger East of Sron nan Eun.My twisted knee was now very sore by this stage.Thank You! The hydro track leads to a large pipeline where you can easily descend to Kenknock Farm and back to the car park.These hills are not the most interesting but a great feeling of wildness is the reward.Especially at Forrest of Mamlorn.Never met any one over a 9 hour trip.
Bruce Sloan
wrote on
September 18, 2009
Bikes ? What's that all about. I have ridden mountain bikes for years but I would never take a bike when walking. Sounds like a dive in the box to me! Nice dry day. Both hills were pretty easy as it was nice and dry. A wet day would have been a lot tougher. Stopped for 3/4 hour break at bottom of Sron Tairbh. The bog trot back after Beinn Heasgarnich was a wee pain. Lots of photos taken. Spotted 2 deer. They must have fallen out with the herd! All in all a very good day but longer than planned.
Peter Lang
wrote on
May 8, 2007
Leave a bike at pass between Glens Lyon and lochay, freewheel back to your car - park at 350m contour above kenknock - where pipeline disappears into hillside - take higher path contouring round hillside to above badour (easily cyclable if you wish)
David Harbottle
wrote on
April 11, 2007
Do yourself a favor and use a bike on this route. Park at Kenknock and cycle to Badour (or Batavaime). Ascent of Creag Mhor via Sron nan Eun is quite a steep grassy flog. The descent (or ascent) directly from the summit of Heasgarnich to Badgour is straightforward, though will be boggy in wet conditions (minor crags 1 mile SE of summit @ 909m are easy to avoid).
Alex Bryce
wrote on
November 5, 2006
Climbed this hill using public transport from Bridge of Orchy train station. Cycled south to the railway viaduct and walked up Auch Gleann, cutting over to Loch Lyon, all on decent paths and tracks. Brilliant and unexpected (not on the map) land rover track skirts Loch Lyon providing easy access to the wild side of Heasgarnich, whose north ridge is a steep but straightforward climb (likely to be far tougher under snow). Recommended route of course if you are using public transport, or if you simply want to avoid all that nightmarish boggy ground on the hills eastern side!

A full written account of a climb submitted by our members.

You can prepare your own write up by first making an entry in your route log and then visiting the logging section above.

 Route Write-Ups
  Date Title Written by Including...
1 15 Jul 2010 log Edward Cassidy Beinn Heasgarnich
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