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Creag Meagaidh


Quick Facts
This is the height of the mountain above sea level. However, on the climb, it is the ascent that matters, i.e. the sum of all the uphill parts of the route.
3700 ft (1128 m)

This is the standard notation used on Ordnance Survey Landranger maps.

Each reference consists of two letters identifying a 100,000 metre square block then three digits defining the Easting and finally the three digits defining the Northing with reference to the South West corner of the block.

NN166712 is the grid reference for the summit of Ben Nevis. Where you are given the map number ( For Ben Nevis = 41) it is acceptable to omit the two initial letters e.g. 166712. (Instructions on how to read the references are given on the OS maps).

Grid Ref.
An indication of this mountains height rank within its class. Where two mountains share the same height they are ordered alphabetically.
30 of 282 Munros
The number of ascent routes currently available on Munromagic.
Mountain names are usually in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands, or have been derived from the old Scots and Norse languages. We give the most commonly accepted meaning, but accept that some of these are disputed.
Bogland crag

The UK is covered by 204 Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 scale maps. Maps numbered 1 to 86 cover Scotland but for the highest mountains (Munros) only 23 maps are required. The name given roughly describes the area covered by the map.

OS Landranger Maps Required
  34   Fort Augustus, Glen Albyn & Glen Roy
  42   Glen Garry & Loch Rannoch

A description of the characteristics of the mountain including any hazards of which you should be aware.

Between the summit of Creag Meagaidh, Coire Ardair to the NE and Moy Corrie to the SE is a high plateau. The summit is located at the E limit of the plateau at the start of the SW ridge. This ridge, which has crags on its N and S slopes, branches to give a narrow S ridge and a broad W ridge.

To the NE of the plateau, a broad ridge connects to Stob Poite Coire Ardair via a narrow col known as "The Window" (this is the main ascent route).

From Puist Coire Ardair at the E limit of the plateau rises the narrow E ridge which branches SE towards the crags of Creag Tharsuinn and NE to Sron a' Choire providing an alternative ascent route.

Hazards you may encounter on Creag Meagaidh include
 High Plateau, summit may be difficult to locate.
 Crags on or near ascent routes.
 Crags near summit.
General Considerations
 Temperature decreases by 1degree C for every 100m of ascent.
 Wind usually increases with altitude.
 Visibility can change markedly with cloud level.
 River/Stream levels can increase markedly in one day.
Picture Gallery for Creag Meagaidh

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Ordnance Survey digital maps are also available to members.

 Weather & OS Maps
West Highlands
by MWIS (PDF format)
West Highlands
by Met Office
Beinn a Chaorainn
by Metcheck
Creag Meagaidh Area Map
Legend  Munro  Corbett  Graham  English/Welsh Top  Accommodation

A selection of local accommodation options who advertise with Munromagic.com.

 Where to Stay
We currently have no
sponsored accommodation listings for this area.

The summary information of one or more ascent routes that include Creag Meagaidh.

Click on the route title to load the full content for that route.

 Routes that include Creag Meagaidh
  Ascent Distance Time Including... Description Rating
1 4376 ft 12.7 ml 6.5 hrs Creag Meagaidh, Stob Poite Coire Ardair and Carn Liath [Loch Laggan]  Long but relatively easy route. Approach is on well maintained path, but summit of Creag Meagaidh may be difficult to locate in poor visibility. Descent path is muddy in places. Coire Ardair is beautiful, and the views from route to Carn Liath are excelle  

Pictures submitted by members on the summit of Creag Meagaidh

 Baggers Gallery for Creag Meagaidh

Neil , Calum and Andrew 12th Feb 2011. Photo taken by Willie Munro

© Calum Dinnes

Image by Calum Dinnes

Me and Nick Butterworth on top of Creag Meagaidh, great view of Ben Nevis in the background.

© Steve Marlow

Image by Steve Marlow

Lynda at summit Creag Meagaidh 25th July 2009.

© Lynda Langlands

Image by Lynda Langlands

Scott at summit Creag Meagaidh 25th July 2009.

© Lynda Langlands

Image by Lynda Langlands
View All 17 Baggers Images for Creag Meagaidh
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Post a few words about Creag Meagaidh or read what others have had to say.

Peter Lang
wrote on
May 31, 2011
recommend 2 car option - finish/start at Moy depending on prevailing wind we went W-E, up craggy end of ridge following dry stane dyke before meeting fenceposts to summit C. Meagaidh head to Mad Megs cairn before descent to Window and sheltered depression out of wind for lunch - escape option if weather poor - easy 15min climb to S.P.C.Ardair then long undulating ridge walk to Carn Liath and easy descent back into corrie and decent path back to car at Nature Reserve car park. took 7hr 30 min in atrocious late May wintry weather above 800m - exhilarating
David Harbottle
wrote on
September 5, 2006
Note from previous posting: "easiest group of three Munro's you can do in a single outing"! ...I don't think so, especially in winter conditions, when it was a tough 7 hour day for me.
Brian McBain
wrote on
August 31, 2006
This has got to be the easiest group of three Munro's you can do in a single outing.
Martin Scott
wrote on
July 12, 2005
Having just done the three Munros on this route I'm well and truly Knackered. Went up through the corrie to the lochan, into the Window then up to Creag Meagaigh, back by Stob Poite Coire Ardair and onto Carn Liath. it was a very enjoyable walk even though it must have been the hottest day of the year, (even on the tops it must have been 20 Degrees plus). I was burnt to a cinder, but it was one of the most memorable groups of Munro's I've completed. We met Three others doing it by Carn Liath first, our time was 6 1/2 hours by doing the Corrie route first which I thought was reasonable.

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